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Spark Services | Today’s New Business Challenge- Everyone Works Remotely: A Quick Start Guide

With the advent of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the whole world has been practicing social distancing and staying indoors as mandated by the government. With that, we have born witness to a wave of the global remote workforce that was the direct consequence of the deadly virus being out on the loose. While this happened overnight, suddenly the IT teams had to work from home with their limited company set up.

That is a lot of pressure on the IT teams to secure the office environment that is being established online. As all the work is now being conducted from home, it is very important to strengthen data security including technical glitches, accidentally human error, and malicious software attacks. We are you to give you a quick start guide to stay safe while working remotely:

  1. Only Known Providers: To set up any new online infrastructure, it is advised to count on your very trusted vendors that have enough financial stability and offer sever compliance to security protocols.
  2. Data Protection: The business data that is being circulated needs to be well protected. Make sure you have an effective backup system and replicate all employees’ laptops and file server backup to the cloud. 
  3. Secure the Network: Using tools such as Rapid7 or Crowdstrike can help you make sure that all laptops are protected under a secured network. Again, make sure to store server backups and replicate the backups to the cloud as well, to have a fool-proof mechanism. 
  4. Cover the Laptops: It is always better to provide laptops to your employees rather than them being forced to use less secure personal devices for work. Securing these devices with endpoint protection measures can prove to be fruitful. It is also advised to install a strong VPN solution on every company laptop to have a secure company network. 
  5. Remote Assistance: You also need to invest in remote connecting software such as ConnectWise or ScreenConnect that can alert your online assistance to immediately rectify any issue by accessing the employee screen. 
  6. Devices and Remote Users: Each endpoint device should be checked for its identity and state of security whether corporate or personally owned. Restriction on access to resources can also be an effective measure to take. 
  7. Cater to Communication needs: Communication tools are an essential part of work-from-home as the only way of conversing is through online platforms. You can provide your customers with tools for instant messaging, video conferencing, and telephony with tools such as Microsoft Teams, Softphones, etc.
  8. Regular Checks: Conduct regular tests on your backups and the ability to recover. This will keep a check on the quality of your security and also keep you ready for any critical moment. 

Want to be better equipped during your work-from-home office? Technology is the key and SPARK Services are all about it. Spark services are proud to offer the customers world-class data backup services for all their business protection needs.

Robert E. Allen Jr.

About Robert E. Allen Jr. A Journey of Integrity, Innovation, and Impact Welcome to my corner of the web, where the confluence of technology, entrepreneurship, and ethical business practices come to life. I'm Robert E. Allen Jr., a proud native of southern Ohio, where my roots run deep into the fabric of community and hard work. My journey in the tech world began at Shawnee State University, a chapter filled with exploration and the beginnings of a lifelong passion for computer science. However, my academic path took a turn toward the prestigious halls of Penn State, where I completed my degree and set the foundation for what would become a nearly three-decade-long adventure in business. Building an Empire on Principles Nearly 30 years ago, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, not just to start a business, but to build an empire defined by a commitment to ethical practices and community service. Inspired by the Rotary four-way test—Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?—my business philosophy centers on these questions, guiding every decision and interaction. This ethos has not only shaped my professional life but has also fostered a culture of integrity, trust, and mutual respect within my company and with our clients. A Family Man at Heart Beyond the world of bits, bytes, and business, my life is rich with love and laughter, thanks to my wife and our two wonderful daughters. They are my why, the reason behind every late night, every early morning, and every decision to push the boundaries of what's possible. Together, we've created a life filled with memories, learning, and love—a true testament to the balance between professional ambition and personal fulfillment. Looking Forward As I look to the future, my goal is to continue leveraging technology to make a positive impact on the world, guided by the principles that have brought me this far. I strive to innovate, to lead with integrity, and to inspire those around me to do the same. Whether through my business endeavors, community service, or simply by being a role model to my daughters, my journey is about creating a legacy that transcends technology—a legacy of positive change, ethical leadership, and a commitment to making the world a better place for future generations. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope to not only share my journey with you but also to inspire you to pursue your passions, lead with integrity, and make a meaningful impact in your corner of the world.