The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new normal in almost all spheres of life, including business. Earlier Business Continuity, Data Backups, and Disaster Recovery were not at the forefront of most companies’ thoughts. But now, these thoughts are gaining ground.
What is Data Backup?
Creating and storing copies of data for the purpose of access in case something happens to the original version is called Data backup. Data backups can be located in the cloud, on a server on another physical device. The process of restoration of the backup version when data loss occurs is called Recovery.
Disasters from data can include data corruption, hardware failure, or a malicious attack. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans cover both backup and recovery of data as well as other essential business processes in case things go south. The following are some of the reasons why data backups and disaster recovery plans are essential during the COVID crisis:
1. Malice or Human Error
Appropriate data backups can improve the risk of human error and hardware failure which has constantly proven to be a risk for enterprises. The error may go undetected or unchecked because of both communications being more difficult and also because of a greater number of employees working remotely. Due to the pandemic, more and more companies are having to implement layoffs and wage cuts. This could lead to employee malice. Strong data backup can offer protection against such risks.
2. Difficulty in Working Remotely without Access to Critical Data
Without access to business symptoms and data, a company is likely to run the risk of losing money. Employee efficiency can be affected by lack of accessibility to data, as much as delays due to the internet or electrical outages. Also, there is an aspect of tax reporting and audits. It is vital for businesses to be able to report and reproduce accounting and financial data for tax purposes. By backing up that information, you can show your books to auditors even after a disruptive event like a natural disaster or a data breach.
3. Increase in Crypto and Ransomware Attacks
With the onslaught of COVID-19, there has been an upsurge in crypto and ransomware attacks. Unscrupulous elements have been playing on people’s fears about the virus by luring them to click on malicious links and giving away important personal credentials in return for more information about the pandemic. Small and middle-sized businesses are easy prey for malware attacks. It goes without saying that an organization can be left seriously weakened by an attack. It might also end up having to pay a ransom. If you do not have a proper disaster recovery plan, crucial time can be lost in getting data back online.
4. Enhanced Productivity
When existing files are backed up, there is a reduction in wastage of time. Also, archived files help in devising effective strategies. This can help improve productivity at a time like this when several businesses are seeing a fall.
5. Peace of Mind
Given the stressful environment we are living in, the last thing one wants is more cause for worry. Regular data backups result in peace of mind. Even in the unfortunate event of a cyber-crime or system crash, there is a backup ready to restart a company’s archive.
Speed is the key!
Major to all these above-mentioned points is speed. Backups not only need to be accessible and reliable, but the company needs to be able to restore the data quickly. When assessing possible data backup strategies in your environment, do not lose sight of this metric. Protect your data, and protect your business smartly.
An online data backup and recovery solution can offer peace of mind for you, your staff, and your customers. That means you can retain your credibility, boost your reputation, and secure your information and data. Thinking ahead to form contingency plans for handling data loss can give both customers and companies peace of mind.
At SPARK Services, we believe in providing and equipping your business with the appropriate solution required. Our engineers are expert level only – and they are known as the most respected and valued engineering team, serving numerous organizations around the globe. Get in touch with us and bid farewell to fear of data loss.