A business phone system is a valuable tool for any company, but which one you choose can have an impact on the way your employees interact with clients and each other.

Switching to a VoIP-based cloud business phone service could save money in multiple ways while enhancing functionality at the same time.


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What is a PBX Phone system?

PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a general term that is described as a business telephone system that offers multiple lines and phone numbers. It also has features like call routing, voicemail, and call management.

PBX is a system that handles the routing and switching of calls between a business location and the telephone network.

How does a PBX system work?

In the past, a PBX system utilized a large board at the phone company with a panel of wires and sockets, and an actual operator plugged in wires to connect phone calls. Technology has advanced since then, and a PBX system now uses a physical rack of hardware housed at your business which allows a company to make internal calls between employees without the use of a public telephone network.

Benefits of a traditional PBX System 

  • Allows for hardware ownership
  • Can be used in areas without high-speed internet
  • Reliable call quality

Disadvantages of a traditional PBX system

  • Expensive infrastructure
  • Unplanned expenses
  • Availability 

PBX systems vs. VoIP systems

With so many phone system options out there, many businesses are looking to save time, money, and the irritation of dropped or low-quality phone calls. Business owners often decide between PBX and VoIP systems

 Both PBX and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) come with benefits and disadvantages. PBX might be an easier option for internal phone calls or conference calls on one telephone line. With this, an employee can dial an extension to talk to another internal employee rather than dial a full telephone number.

With a VoIP system, calls are made over the internet and can save you up to 80% on monthly phone bills. VoIP technology converts your voice into a digital signal, allowing you to make phone calls from a computer, a VoIP phone, or other data-driven devices. This phone system can save you money while providing excellent sound quality over the internet.

Save up to 80% with SPARK’s VoIP-Enabled Business Phone System by 3CX

SPARK Services has provided VoIP phone systems and services for businesses since 2014, and we have been 3CX certified as a Titanium Partner since 2018. In just two short years, SPARK is now the largest 3CX Titanium Partner by volume in the United States.

If you are interested in saving 80% or more off your current business phone bill or want to learn more about how SPARK Services can improve your bottom line, take the first step now and contact our team today.

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