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With relentless advancement in technology into all areas of our lives, it should be no surprise to know that we are all living in the age of surveillance. From corporations to governments our personal information is dissected, all for justifiable purposes whether it is profits or for the sake of security.

At some point in time, we all have suspected that our computer is being monitored, either by someone we know or by someone outside who may have gained access without permission. When you are being monitored, the person doing the monitoring or the programs they are using always leave traces.

If you want to find out if someone is monitoring you on your computer, here are a few things you can do to detect the monitoring software.

  1. Run Antivirus Software

Antivirus software can show whether or not your computer is being monitored. Most instances of monitoring are driven by malware. After making its way on your computer, such malware can record your activities. Antivirus software can detect malware. If there is malware on your computer, it will offer solutions to remove or corner it. Such software can even detect the presence of spyware, which can also lead to monitoring if left unchecked. Some kinds of spyware can also cause performance issues like a frozen web browser or speed issues. With effective antivirus software, you can find and remove spyware so that it doesn’t pose a risk.

  1. Check all Ports

This task is easy to carry out even for people without technical knowledge. If you’ve checked the installed programs and you’re still reasonably suspicious that someone is monitoring you, then the next step is to check the computer ports. If you are not technically proficient, there is no need to recoil in horror at running the rule over ports, it is reasonably straightforward. You can check all the open ports by going to Start, Control Panel, and Windows Firewall.

Then click on ‘Allow a program or feature through Windows firewall’ on the left-hand side of the box. This will open another box, and you’ll be able to see a list of programs with check boxes next to them. The ones that are checked are open, and the unchecked ones are closed. Go through the list and see if there is a program you are not familiar with or one that matches VNC, remote control, and so on, suggesting a spying program. If you do discover one, you can simply stop its tracks by unchecking the box.

  1. Check WiFi Security

Not all Wi-Fi networks need a password, especially public hotspots. If you are using a laptop with Wi-Fi, check the network you are connected to to see if it’s secure. While this doesn’t exactly explain right away that your computer is being monitored, it does make it more likely if a password isn’t necessary to use it.

An open, unencrypted Wi-Fi network means that someone else on that network has a much better chance at seeing that you’re connected to it and watch your wireless traffic to pick up things like passwords you type into websites or the images you upload online, etc. Such instances are very common in malls or near transportation areas.

  1. Use a VPN

To secure your online activity landing in the wrong hands, it is always ideal to use a VPN. A VPN encrypts your traffic, so your ISP won’t be able to read it. Also, it sends the traffic through one of its own servers so the website you visit won’t be able to see your real IP address. This way, you can be secure and anonymous on the internet.

These are some basic steps to establish whether you are being spied on via monitoring software that has been stealthily installed on your computer. If after carrying these steps you do still have suspicions then perhaps it’s best to contact technical expertise like us at SPARK.

SPARK Services ensures that when it comes to business, our goal is always to make sure that our customers have the best cyber solutions. We integrate modern technology with the best available contemporary means. For us, our clients and their cybersecurity are of utmost concern. Contact us today to learn more about our enterprise data protection and backup services.

Robert E. Allen Jr.

About Robert E. Allen Jr. A Journey of Integrity, Innovation, and Impact Welcome to my corner of the web, where the confluence of technology, entrepreneurship, and ethical business practices come to life. I'm Robert E. Allen Jr., a proud native of southern Ohio, where my roots run deep into the fabric of community and hard work. My journey in the tech world began at Shawnee State University, a chapter filled with exploration and the beginnings of a lifelong passion for computer science. However, my academic path took a turn toward the prestigious halls of Penn State, where I completed my degree and set the foundation for what would become a nearly three-decade-long adventure in business. Building an Empire on Principles Nearly 30 years ago, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, not just to start a business, but to build an empire defined by a commitment to ethical practices and community service. Inspired by the Rotary four-way test—Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?—my business philosophy centers on these questions, guiding every decision and interaction. This ethos has not only shaped my professional life but has also fostered a culture of integrity, trust, and mutual respect within my company and with our clients. A Family Man at Heart Beyond the world of bits, bytes, and business, my life is rich with love and laughter, thanks to my wife and our two wonderful daughters. They are my why, the reason behind every late night, every early morning, and every decision to push the boundaries of what's possible. Together, we've created a life filled with memories, learning, and love—a true testament to the balance between professional ambition and personal fulfillment. Looking Forward As I look to the future, my goal is to continue leveraging technology to make a positive impact on the world, guided by the principles that have brought me this far. I strive to innovate, to lead with integrity, and to inspire those around me to do the same. Whether through my business endeavors, community service, or simply by being a role model to my daughters, my journey is about creating a legacy that transcends technology—a legacy of positive change, ethical leadership, and a commitment to making the world a better place for future generations. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope to not only share my journey with you but also to inspire you to pursue your passions, lead with integrity, and make a meaningful impact in your corner of the world.