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Spark Services | 5 Common iPad Problems and Their Fixes

The Apple iPad has been one of the most popular devices available, continuing to maintain its stronghold in the ever-growing tablet market. However, iPad also has its flaws and problems.

Here are 5 common iPad problems and their probable solutions.

1. Occasionally Slow and Laggy Keyboard

Users sometimes face the problem of keyboard lags while typing an email or using iMessage. Given below are the solutions for this problem.


  • Go to Settings – iCloud – Documents and Data, and turn that off. If the issue is solved, you can turn this back on again without any problem.
  • Try resetting all settings.

2 . Interface Orientation Is Fixed to Landscape or Portrait

Some users find their iPad user interfaces remaining stuck in either landscape or portrait mode, without switching after the device is rotated.


  • Press the power button to turn off the display, and press it again to wake it up again. You can also press and hold the power button for about 15 seconds and restart the tablet.
  • Follow this route- Go Settings – General – Use Side Switch, check to see whether it is set to “Lock Rotation”, if yes, turn it off.
  • You can also try resetting all settings by going to Settings – General – Reset all Settings.

3. Performance Issues, Like Crashing, or Random Rebooting

iPads may face issues with performance. You can also experience slowdowns, freezing, and random rebooting.


  • While all the animations and transitions can look good, old hardware can be slow while keeping up. For this, reducing animation and transition effects can be helpful to alleviate any problems with performance. Follow the given route- Go to Settings – General – Accessibility – Reduce Motion to reduce animations, and Settings – General – Accessibility – Increase contrast – Reduce transparency to reduce transparency.
  • If the mobile crashing and random rebooting is rampant, a rogue application may be the issue. Try uninstalling them one by one, or factory resetting the device and installing them. Go to Settings – General – Reset – Reset all Settings and Content.

4. Connectivity Issues

One of the most common iPad problems which users face is about the connectivity. Also the device can face difficulty in connecting using the Bluetooth or even activating it. 


  • If your Wi-Fi connection keeps dropping or does not connect, then try to restart the router by turning it off for 30 seconds, and then turn it back on. 
  • If pairing your iPad with a Bluetooth device is an issue, then go to Settings – Bluetooth and turn it off, and turn it on once again. 

5. Safari Keeps on Crashing

Many users have found that the Safari app closes unexpectedly, especially when multiple tabs are open in the iPad.


  • Go to Settings – Safari, tap on “Clear History” and then “Clear Cookies and Data.”
  • Using a third-party browser like Google Chrome or Opera also can be helpful. 

They were helpful, weren’t they?

At SPARK Services we provide iPad repairing services in Muskogee. All you have to do is bring in your iPad and leave the rest to us!

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